Last month, I travelled back from UK to Singapore, with my son for his National Service enlistment. In the midst of the covid, we have to monitor SG MOH website regularly to ensure that we are compliance with the latest regulation.
Despite knowing that there will be uncertainties surrounding the travel, the stress of the unknown due to the constant change in the rules especially with regards to taking the covid tests, period of quarantine, the process, airport/airlines, and the vaccination we took as it was very close to our departure dates, we don’t even know we are able to get the 2nd vaccination in UK or any complication if we are to take the 2nd vaccination in SG, have definitely been very unnerving
Due to the uncertainties of the vaccinations, I started to look for answers instead found a very interesting FB group for anyone who plans / has entered SG in the past one year or so during the covid situation. It was a brilliant group, where everyone shares generously about their experience with many asking questions what to expect in many different details and people have been most helpful to answer.
Through this amazing group, I get to know what was like during quarantine including seeing the food served via pictures posted, the complaints of each of the hotels, the DIY self cleaning in every aspects, not allowed to see any single soul during the quarantine, etc etc. has been both enlightening and informative which has reduced a lot of anxiety on the unknown.
Now that I am all prepared for the travel, I neglected one important aspect the day of setting off to the airport. I only gotten the swap test result on the day before which I have missed so tried to do the check-in on the morning itself but we received negative email to say that we can’t as the record cannot be verified This sent me to a spiral of worries. What if we are not allowed to fly due to the silly situation of the British unable to verify our names in the swap test (because in UK and Singapore), name is written very different. With Chinese surname is written in the front while the British has its as their last name . Hence, we decided to set off much earlier for any hiccups at the airport, upon arrival there was more unexpected. Apparently, we are no longer allowed to stop at the terminal carpark, instead of quick drop off that cost £5 per 5 mins. To cut the story, we ended paying probably £15 just to drop off …
At the airport, again there is hiccups as British Airway is not familiar with the Singapore regulation so we are asked questions like which hotel we are staying for the quarantine (which of course we won’t know as it is decided not by us the passengers)…
Determined not to be dampen by the situation, we continue our journey
The 1st sight at the airport was immigration, I have expected a less crowded with the covid so it is. Next, saw the big starbucks closed, I was a little taken aback. When we arrived at Heathrow, we are not allowed to do a transit but directed to arrival and then re-entered into the departure Hall. My initial reaction was anger as knowing how horrible is the immigration but my son said why don’t we step out for a breather and I realised that was a blessing in disguise as we will be ‘indoor’ 24hours since leaving our house.
Heathrow Airport was really quite a sign – pretty empty, immigration was practically empty and only Gate A has shops with a few big restaurants closed, at our departure gates all shops are closed.
Flight was ¾ empty, wearing the mask throughout, upon arrival at SG airport, which was even more shocking. Every shop is shut, people are all covered in mask and blue gown, it looks more like a high risk zone than an airport.
The total quietness of the airport was beyond my description as upon picking up the luggage – we are instructed to go for our swap test (PCR), everything was extremely orderly then assigned to wait for over 1/2hour before we are being lead out of the airport to the coach area . Of course, I am not surprised I have to do the luggage all by myself without any help. And our fate is now at the hands of the driver who will bring us to whichever hotel ie to be.
Although SG website clearly stated that we don’t get to choose our quarantine hotel like other countries – where someone said it is like a lottery where you are sent to ! IT is quite an experience not to know where you will be ‘lockaway’ for two weeks
And so our 2 weeks begin.
Two weeks all by ourselves, with 3 meals being delivered at the door, limited in-room services from hotel, all cleaning is DIY and we start our isolation (face to face)
Actually both my son and I find that it is ok, unlike the horrible experiences I read. Although there is some discomfort like breakfast served at 7:30am where we slept to nearly 12 noon due to jet-lag for the first week. Food too spicy, we have to eat at the time it was served otherwise it is cold. I lost a kg after 3 days. I forgot to mention the portion was not big – being a relatively small eater, we are alright so now I understand why my niece lost 4 kgs in her 3 weeks of quarantine.
Wait wait, we arrived on a Friday evening, on Sun – a friend brought us lots of yummy sushi, sashimi, mochi, etc and we ended up having a feast on Sun. In fact, she did it again on the following Sun - she satisfy our craving for Japanese food.
Of course, I ordered lots of fruits, titbits, drinks, instant noodles from the supermarket to supplements our 3 meals a day, with only a half rotten apple in the first few mornings we received. Again, knowing that we are able to receive foods, things etc from friends/family or even ordered ourselves has been extremely useful. Not only did I do our supermarket shopping online, I brought a yoga mat, and a number of items during our stay. Its truly an experience!
What I learnt
- Knowing what to expect and adequately prepared
for it has really helped to calm my mind. I realised I wasn’t worried at all which hotel I am going to because I have mentally prepared for the worst.
- Also, come with the curiosity mindset
of wanting to experience what’s like to be quarantined is really refreshing. Of course not to mention that I have agreed to help Channel News Asia to do the recording in video of the process including as much as what I do on a daily basis in that hotel room and most importantly reflection of first day and last day including the traumatic swap test done on Day 14.
- Support
- Having good friends to bring us food has not only satisfied the craving but more importantly warmed my heart. And for that, I am forever grateful.
Through this incident, my biggest take-away is when we open ourselves up for new ‘adventure’, the experience can be very different from worrying what is to come. The curiosity mindset vs the worrying mindset has prepared us to take things as it come 兵来将挡水来土掩
So, my dear friends, open your heart to embrace the challenges that comes your way (not blindly) but with as much preparation and knowledge to smooth out the process / anxiety.
Our mind is greatest ally can also be our greatest enemy.
Are you having your greatest ally or your greatest enemy with you now.
Find out what is your greatest enemy in this free saboteurs assessment and start taking notice how you can build your resilence in the positive way.. 👉