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The Perfect Novel

Aries Yeo • December 17, 2021

The Perfect Novel

"Wherever you are is the entry point “  Kabir

I am supposed to be the Wise, Experienced Person now that I have done my ½ century on this planet, am I? 

I wonder….

As I reflected back through my 50 years, I saw many stories – good, bad, interesting, sad, happy, empowering, encouraging, disappointing, even the traumatic ones….

I am actually not sure where to begin. 

There is a saying that :

Everything that has happened in your life has been preparing you for who you have become. Not a single thing in your life was ever wasted or was ever random.

Your life is the perfectly written novel, written by the perfect novelist, where you as the hero have been put through all these chapters, but not a single chapter was wasted. Not a single thing was put there randomly.

These wise words was part of an exercise I did with Positive Intelligence that talks about how we can look at every element in our life until this very moment to guide us into what we wants to happen next. (Pls reach out if you like to have a copy of this exercise).

So when can be the best time to reflect other than hitting the 50 years mark!    Is that truth?  Probably, maybe, definitely.   

I have seen quite a number of people doing so, how about me? 

Then I realised, this year, 2021 is a big year. The year I turned 50 is also the year, Nathaniel, my eldest turn 21.  I wish I could celebrate his birthday, I wish it is a real 双喜临门 not 阴阳相隔 (means I hope it is a truth double celebration rather than separated by death).

With this, I realised age is only a number, yes we do get less energy, lower metabolism rate, etc, but we also get more, a lot more life experiences that gives us the wisdom if only we have truthfully, honestly and humbly reflect upon it. 

For years, I harbour the thought that if only I can give the rest of my lifespan to my son, at least he has the chance to grow up to experience life, to….

But everyone has their 命数, life, none of us is in the position to say if to another whether it is a 1, 10 years or 90 years.  I know deep in my heart what is truly important is not the number of years we have walked on the planet, it is the impact we have on another individual.

At my son funeral, I learnt despite his short life, he has made his impacts on the youth and young adults,  SO how about you? 

How would you like to live your life ?

How would you like your Perfect Novel to be written when you reflect back on your many years or maybe not so many years yet?

Drop me a line if you like to get hold of this  "Perfect Novel" Journal.

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