“There is something better than heaven. It’s the eternal, meaningless, infinitely creative mind. It can’t stop for time or space or even joy. It is so brilliant that it will shake what’s left of you to the depths of all-consuming wonders.” Bryon Katie
The bottomless well of creativity where Napoleon Hill called it “infinite intelligence”
Better than Heaven!
Can’t stop for time!
So brilliant that it will shake me to the depths !
What kind of something that can be all the above! I definitely want a piece of it
Then it strikes me that Bryon Katie is talking about Creativity that is in each one of us!
Oh mind how can that be everyone especially me! I freak out the moment I heard the word creativity. I can’t draw, lousy in crafts works, I still remember to this day – I was given a “F” for drawing in class, I never have any creative in my life!
The point here is what is this creativity Byron Katie is talking about. How can it be better than heaven, not stop for time, and shake me to the depths. And can that really be me?
When having all these thoughts, my conditioning has already kicked in without my realisation. What is conditioning? It was all part of my upbringing, education that tell me how I should be, whether I am good, no good, intelligence, creativity…
Inside the story, as per Steve chandler words “ I had been conditioned just as like a piece of meat get marinated.” It is over and done with!
The truth is conditioning never stops as conditioning is a process, we are always evolving in accordance to our environment, to the people around us. Human is the most adaptive creatures on this planet. Like neuroplasticity, when scientists have first found that it is only feasible in the child but now we know regardless of age, our brain can continue to grow, it’s more of a speed rather yes vs no.
If we are not the marinated meat, we can always be like a culinary work in progress. Each day is full of its possibility, if we allow it for the menu is always new.
If we allowed it!
Do you allow it?
When I looked back on my life, I believe money solves all problems, I believe to gain the attention & acceptance of my parents/ society – I need to have a good education like a minimum of a degree from a good reputable university of course with a good grade.
As I hold these as truth, I live my life as such – no creativity which I will shove away, I cringe when I hear that. Everything I do, needs to be logical, sensible so naturally pursuing a degree in accounting and finance in a good university is the perfect outcome. You get the idea!
Creativity is not about drawing, not about arts or crafts. It is simply a Being! Being who you are, recognising your own beauty! Having that courage just like a child
Winnicott used true self to describe a sense of self based on spontaneous authentic experience and a feeling of being alive, having a real self.[2] The false self, by contrast, Winnicott saw as a defensive façade,[1] which in extreme cases could leave its holders lacking spontaneity and feeling dead and empty, behind a mere appearance of being real.[1]
This true self is just like children at play, which is spontaneous, abundance but often repressed in adulthood due to our over conditioning.
To live in the world of creation – to get into it and stay in it – to frequent it and haunt it – to think intently and fruitfully – to woo combinations and inspiration into being by a depth and continuity of attention and meditation – this is the only thing “ Henry Jam
“I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning…. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” Miles Davis
Stop hiding away from Being You, embrace your true self, the spontaneous, abundance self.
If this message speaks to you, book a time and let’s speak!
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