Mind Maps, a concept where most of us probably very familiar with, especially these two school of thoughts :
Mind maps are graphical representations of information. In contrast to the traditional, linear notes you might make in a text document or even on paper, mind maps let you capture thoughts, ideas and keywords on a blank canvas
Benefits of
These ideas are organized in a two-dimensional structure, with the title/main idea always located in the center of the map for visibility. Related ideas branch off from the center in all directions, creating a radiant structure, or until you find an arrangement that works best for you?
Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible or a physical object.
Like mind-mapping, clean space is a process to get you to map out the information in a physical manner using the space around you. In other words, it is a 3D process where you are in the process and you formed part of that map!
Sound intriguing! Oh yes.
According to the Bible, creation started when GOD separated Light from Darkness and called the light “day’ and the darkness “night’. God is making a distinction and labelling things individually.
When we single things out, we removed that cloud that overshadow our visions and allows us to see clearly. Also, this labelling allows us to draw a boundary between what that thing is and what it is not.
From there, we connect the dots, we linked up the unrelated events together and form that creativity where new ideas are generated. In fact, there is a talk on Neuroscience of Creativity by Baroness Susan Greenfield who said creativity happens when the brain creates unusual associations for the first time.
Whether we think in words, pictures, sounds or feelings, our brains are associative organs. One thing will reminds us of another, and so on and before we know it we have related two or more thing together and formed a new idea.
This creativity is further enhanced through our physical moving as there is a deep, intuitive connection between moving and creativity.
“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking “ Friedrich Nietsche
Space Mapping uses the concept similar to mindmapping, with a wider adaption of the physical network and metaphor where it helps our brains to better tab into the creativity that might lies dormant.
For instance, Disney thought of himself as a “little bee going from one area of the studio to another, gathering pollen and stimulating everyone.” While Mozart is constantly looking for two notes that loved each other.
In using metaphor and physical environment, we tab into a space that has not been made available to them before. When we moved our body, something happened inside us, hence there is the power pose, helicopter view of the situation, when we changed our position especially physical position something moves.
There is a saying that “The soul never thinks without a mental image.”
So it is time to start trusting yourself, for you do know more than what you think you do .
if you haven’t experience for yourself the magic of your Space, book a session, asking specifically for Clean Space and see for yourself, how you can have that enlightenment!
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