“The end of a year is the beginning of another year; the end of a day is also the beginning of another.” Aries Yeo
As these words echo in my mind, I find myself standing at the threshold of 2024, contemplating the significance of time; the 8760 hours that make up a year and the fleeting 24 hours that shape each day.
#1 Reflection on Achievements and Challenges:
As the curtain falls on the past 365 days, I pause to reflect on the tapestry of events, both momentous and unassuming, that have woven themselves into the fabric of my life. In this span, I've realized the depth of my achievements, each one a testament to growth and resilience:
The year also bore witness to moments of sadness, bidding farewell to significant individuals, including my mentor from the local church and my ex-host from Cambridge during my university days. Their departures reminded me of the elasticity of time—it's always there, yet can be suddenly taken away if not handled with care.
#2 Essence of Time
I'm prompted to question: Is the essence of my 8760 hours solely defined by reaching destinations, or does its significance extend beyond achievements? What does this annual cycle mean in the grand tapestry of a lifetime, and how does it compare to the profound impact of a single day?
In the rhythm of life, every day unfolds as a new beginning, offering us the opportunity to navigate the ebb and flow of time. The difference lies not in the duration—24 hours versus 8760 hours—but in how we choose to navigate and embrace the moments that come our way.
Both the 365 days and the 24 hours share a common thread—their power lies in renewal and restart. Each provides a canvas to let go of the burdens of the past, learn from experiences, and hold onto the truths that have shaped our journey.
In every fleeting moment, goodness mingles with challenges, and lessons quietly unfold. The key lies in our awareness—how attuned are we to the nuances of our daily existence? Where are we in our journey—moving steadily forward, facing obstacles, or perhaps taking steps backward?
#3 Understanding of Universal Human Needs & Personality Preferences
A sudden realization emerges—a yearning to imbue the upcoming 8760 hours with a deeper sense of connection with others and continue to reconnect with my authenticity, my truth, my core.
Using one of my favourite theory, Maslow Hierarchy of Needs proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A theory of human motivation” in the psychological review. It talks about human need as in a hierarchy starting with the basic needs in physiological needs then into safety before the needs of belonging/love -> self-esteem finally self-actualisation but each of these needs is also very much driven by our personality hence the level of satisfaction is not the same for everyone.
Being a dominant in “I” or some called “Yellow” basing on DiSC personality traits, embodying the principle of an extrovert, I revel in being surrounded by people, energised by their presence. However, in my 5 years tuck away in the quiet land of North Wales, I have seen to have forgotten this innate of mine, while deeply engaging within my inner self – finding my soul after the sudden loss of my son 7 years ago.
#4 Reconnecting with Self and building Connections
To live again, to reconnect with myself – the vital component is to re-emerge to the surface and swim with the other fishes. Sometimes I have to swim much further than my comfort zone, while other times, it's just close by. To live is not about surviving; it is about thriving—socially, cognitively, emotionally, and physically. Each facet plays a vital role in our lives.
If we are not physically well, we can’t be mentally well in our emotions or social, vice versa. Humans are inherently social beings; we need each other. We thrive together as a community, not as solitary individuals.
This realization propelled me to step forward and rebuild my connections in Flintshire, just on the border of Chester, England. I had to let go of the attachment to those beautiful relationships I have in Singapore and simply trust that these relationships will flow, embracing the present.
#5 Intentions for 2024
The intention for 2024 is then clear for me: to build bridges, forge meaningful relationships, foster a sense of community and stay connected to my being and letting my “Iness” shine through.
So, as I embark on the journey of 2024, my resolution is twofold. Firstly, I want to embrace the power of meaningful connections with even greater intention. It's not just about the quantity of interactions but the quality—the depth of understanding, the exchange of genuine thoughts, and the warmth that accompanies true connection.
A valuable lesson emerges from my reflections: Clarity of destination comes through when we fully embrace our core self and even so it still does not guarantee a linear path. There are times when stepping aside or taking a few backward steps becomes a necessary precursor to moving forward. Like building the bridges, it might mean slowing down in the process as I have stopped moving forward (or looks like I am not achieving). Yet the bridge has not only allowed me to cross over but many others behind me can do likewise.
Have you experienced this intricate relationship between progress and regression, if so, what is your insight from the reading?
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