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When Magic happens

Aries Yeo • December 9, 2022

Finds Your Magic....

I am so excited that my dream to do a  retreat with nature  is finally happening. I found my wonderful partner, Smita Thakrar who is not only a skilled, but very experienced yoga instructor and a well-qualified herbalist. Together, we have created a holistic rest, recharge, revitalise, reflective retreat for our guests in March 2023. " 


That’ my magic happening... 


What about you? 


Isaac Newton whom I am sure you all know but do you also know that his first discovery was during the Great Plague of London in 1965 where he was sent home from Cambridge for the social distancing, like our Pandemic of covid of today 


Without his teachers’ guidance, Newton flourished.  The period he spent away was later referred to as his annus mirabilis, the year of wonders 


First he continued working on maths problems that he’d begun at Cambridge University.  Believe it or not, the papers he wrote became the genesis of calculus. 


Second, he acquired some prisms and began experimenting with them in his room, even boring a hole in his shutters so only aa small beam of light could shine through.  From his explorations emerged his theories on optics. 


Third, outside his window was the famous apple tree which we all heard of.    While Newton sat under that tree, an apple fell which launched his thinking.  From this apple, Newton developed his theory of the law of gravity and laws of motion. 


That pandemic where a fourth of the population died yet today we’ve all benefit from that outbreak. 


It was during that great interruption; Newton transformed his thoughts into a great introduction to an entirely new world of math and science.   It was when he left the magnificent institution of higher education that he learned more than he could have in class.  It was when life was on hold that he made his best progress 


Today, our world was again shadowed by another pandemic, cov19.   Many suffered – working longer hours (no physical boundary from work vs home), higher rate of domestic violence, collapse of airlines.... while others thrived with better family life, learning to appreciate each other better, saving on travelling time, cleaner air (due to lack of vehicles on the road, air or sea).  For once, the cities in China can be seen from the satellite . 


What an irony 

What a paradox 


Pope Francis put it this way:  “we are not experiencing an era of change but a change of era” 


There is volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity times that have led to many difficult challenges.     Everyone is busy, fire-fighting in one way or another at home front, in the office where there is headcount freeze yet increase in workload.  How do we manage? 


There is constant demand of our time, our attention, calling upon us, even the MS Team is busy telling us that there are messages waiting for us to attend to, there are more meetings than usual since cov19.    It seems that our day is simply filled with meetings instead of getting down to work. 


As the year of 2022 comes to an end...   


What have you noticed about your busy year? 


When is your most productive, creative time or happy moment? 


This idea of retreat descended upon me when I was away for my birthday weekend – without the usual busyness, the noisy clutter – the idea came about with clarity, I knew what to do, where I wanted to hold the retreat, what to be included.  It is as if it is magical, that the magic was just there waiting for me to uncover it. 


Yes I am asking you to allow the magic to happen for you as well because it is just right there when you are ready to allow it to flow through. 


Just like the story of Isaac Newton, magic happened when he has the physical and mental space to allow that flow of clarity and magic to come right through. 


Hence, this retreat is held in nature to help us to get away from those boundaries we have enclosed on ourselves, it is aim is to uncover the REAL You through the bringing of your body and mind together with the use of space. 


I would like to invite you to have that “pause” in your life because this motionless is actually the motion you need to push you further ahead in whatever direction you want to move toward to.  If you are still not sure how that can be done – listen to this 2 mins recording to be in touch with your senses.


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