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Aries Yeo • October 4, 2021

“Be willing to change because life won’t stay the same.” Anonymous

A relatively simple statement to understand but I wonder how many is truly able to grasp the full meaning and live it! For we all know life never stay the same with many talks about the change –in circumstances, in other but never in themselves,.
How often have we heard of phrases like this “If only I knew, if only he/she did not do that, if only the situation is not the same, if only…”
Somehow we would like our circumstances to change, rather than having that change in ourselves because changing oneself is the hardest yet the easiest.

The ability to adapt is one of the most important traits you can have as a person. For change is constant, and there are many things in your life that you cannot control. 
When you open your eyes to see and your ears to listen. You will notice the truly successful ones are the one who is the most adaptable
“ADAPTIVITY is the foundation of ALL success.” Tony Dovale – LifeMasters

In fact one of the most famous quotes about adapting is “adapt or die” by Charles Darwin where he mentioned that only the strongest survive. Adapting can require a massive amount of strength, so it doesn’t surprise me that these two quotes came from the same person.

It is much easier to adapt to situations that only cause a mild level of discomfort. Unfortunately, life often throws us things that are incredibly painful. Such things offer us no other option than to adapt if we are going to be able to live with the pain. 
If change is crucial in our life, then why do people not change/adapt themselves to their environment but expect their environment to adapt to them.
1. Change oneself is not easy, because it requires strong motivation and consistency. Our brain is wired according to the habits that we do day in and day out, if one day we decided to make a change. Do you think this change is overnight or one-off ? All changes takes time and effort to build into our muscles.
2. Change many a times is stepping into the unknown that is scary, fearful move. Everyone likes a certain level stability, where most called them the comfort zone. Change means outside of this comfort zone and how many is able to do it on their own, without support, encouragement.
3. Change from within comes from the strong desire of wanting to, ie motivation, how can you maintain your motivation unless you have a clear destination in mind.  

When you are clear on your destination, your motivation level will stay high because you know your mission, you know where you are heading hence despite challenges and obstacles, you will come back to the track even when you fall away. Although it takes time, you will not be easily discouraged.  And all these are complemented with  encouragement and support for we are only human, and our path is not meant to be walk alone. 

So be wise to see who are the ones who will lend you the support, who will believe in you. Because we all need someone to believe in us, to support us.    

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ― Albert Einstein.    And this ability to change is based on 3 factors 
• Having the end in mind – be clear on your destination
• Determination / motivation because you are living in alignment to your values
• Support & encouragement 

Reach out for that conversation to find out what is yours?

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